Research associate
AffiliationDr. Aleksandar Milicevic was born in 1987 in Aleksandrovac, Republic of Serbia. He is a Research Associate in the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade. He graduated at the Thermal Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 2011. In 2018, he got Ph.D. degree with the thesis entitled “Mathematical modelling and optimization of processes in a pulverized coal-fired furnace during direct co-firing with biomass”, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.
His investigations focus on mathematical modeling and software development for simulation, analysis and optimization of (co)combustion of pulverized fuels (coal and biomass) in coal fired utility boiler furnaces and other energy conversion systems, in order to improve energy efficiency, reduce pollutants emission and technology transfer to end-users.
With colleagues from the Laboratory, he participated in conducting complex thermotechnical tests at domestic and foreign thermal power plants in cooperation with very reputable companies in the field of energy, as well as on the internationally laboratory testing "Proficiency testing of air emissions 2019" at the Talum Institute (Kidričevo, Slovenia). Also, he was hired by KfW Bankegruppe on the international project, as an expert team member of Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences.
He has published 37 publications in total, including papers in leading international journals, with h-index 5 and over 81 citations/56 heterocitations (source: Scopus).
“Increase in energy and ecology efficiency of processes in pulverized coal-fired furnace and optimization of utility steam boiler air preheater by using in-house developed software tools” (“Повећање енергетске и еколошке ефикасности процеса у ложишту за угљени прах и оптимизација излазне грејне површине енергетског парног котла применом сопствених софтверских алата”), TR-33018, 2011-2019
"Consulting services related to the measurement and testing of the ash in thermal power plant Kostolac A", 2020.
Reviewer for a number of international scientific journals, such as: Applied Energy; Energy Conversion and Management; Journal of Cleaner Production; Energy, Ecology and Environment; Thermal Science; Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering… He was awarded with the "Excellent reviewer" by the journal editors at [Publons]
In 2020, the University of Belgrade and the Đoka Vlajković Foundation awarded dr Aleksandar Milićević for the best scientific work of young scientists from the University of Belgrade in 2019. [More details]
The Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia has granted him the award for the best graduate (M.Sc.) work at all technical faculties in Serbia in 2011, according to the “Energy day Serbia 2012”.
English, German